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Coping with Chronic Pain

Free online resources to better understand and deal with chronic pain.

  1. Part 1: Getting Started – Understanding Pain  –  Understanding pain, and understanding the different types of pain.
  2. Part 2: Moving Forward – What can I do?  –  Planning, goal setting, and provides links to websites and other resources.

Try This: Tackle Tiredness

Many people with pain struggle with sleep. Try This gives you a taste of self-management with hints, tips and links to resources to help you decide what might work for you.

Try This: Unwinding Stress

Understanding and managing stress can help you manage pain.

Talking to Your GP about Pain

A short video with tips for talking to your GP about pain.

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Good to Know:

A collection of short courses and webinars about pain, information on healthcare teams, and more.

Anyone can get arthritis. Find arthritis videos and information sheets in selected different languages.

Making the most of Telehealth

This short course provides tips to help you make the most of telehealth appointments.

  1. Who’s who in your healthcare team? Part 1 – The Medical Team – A short introduction to the role of different medical professionals you may see when you have arthritis.
  2. Who’s who in your healthcare team? Part 2 – Allied Health – A short introduction to the role of different allied health professionals you may see when you have arthritis. Includes links to a number of professional associations.
Dark skinned Dr in white coat talking to older patient showing a flyer

Living Well

A collection of resources developed by Arthritis SA about living well with arthritis.

What is Pacing? – A microlearning explaining what pacing is and how it can help daily life.

Fatigue and arthritis – A short video with tips for managing fatigue and arthritis.

Feet and arthritis – A short video about feet and arthritis.

Gardening Tips – A short video with tips for gardening with arthritis.

Hands and arthritis – A short video about hands and arthritis.

Heat and Cold packs – A short video explaining how hot and cold packs can help arthritis.

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Living Well

A collection of resources developed by Arthritis SA about living well with arthritis, continued.

Housework and arthritis – A short video with tips for managing housework with arthritis.

Managing Tasks – A short video with tips for managing everyday tasks.

Water Exercise – A short video explaining how water exercise can help arthritis.

Nutrition and Rheumatoid Arthritis – This short eLearning looks at how the foods you eat can play a role in your health and wellbeing in Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)

Physical Activity and Rheumatoid Arthritis – This free eLearning looks at ways to help you be physically active with Rheumatoid Arthritis.

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